World fisheries harvest for 2005. The tonnage from capture and aquaculture is listed by country. Countries which harvested less than 100,000 tons are not included.
A tibble with 75 rows and 3 variables:
Name of country
Tonnage from capture, including fish, crustaceans, mollusks, etc.
Tonnage from aquaculture
#> # A tibble: 75 × 3
#> country capture aquaculture
#> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 Algeria 126259 368
#> 2 Angola 240000 NA
#> 3 Argentina 931472 2430
#> 4 Australia 245935 47087
#> 5 Bangladesh 1333866 882091
#> 6 Brazil 750283 257783
#> 7 Cambodia 384000 26000
#> 8 Canada 1080982 154083
#> 9 Chile 4330325 698214
#> 10 Colombia 121000 60072
#> # ℹ 65 more rows