All North Carolina bike crash data from 2007-2014. Data downloaded on Sep 6, 2018.
A tibble with 7467 rows and 66 variables:
Crash ID
City of crash
County of crash
Region of crash
Development area of crash
Locality of crash
Road where crash happened
Whether crash happened on rural or urban road
Speed limit where crash happened
Type of traffic control where crash happened
Weather at the time of crash
Whether crash happened in a work zone
Age of biker
Age group of biker
Whether biker had alcohol or drugs
Whether biker had alcohol
Direction of bike at the time of crash
Injury of biker
Position of bike at the time of crash
Race of biker
Sex of biker
Age of driver
Age group of driver
Whether driver had alcohol
Whether driver had alcohol or drugs
Estimated speed of driver
Injury of driver
Race of driver
Sex of driver
Type of vehicle involved in crash
Whether alcohol was involved in crash
Date of crash
Day of crash
Type of crash
Hour of crash
Location of crash
Month of crash
Severity of crash
Time of crash
Type of crash
Year of crash
Whether ambulance was required
Whether accident was a hit and run
Light condition at the time of crash
Road characteristics
Road class
Road condition
Road configuration
Road defects
Road feature
Road surface
Number of lanes
Latitude and longitude of crash
#> # A tibble: 7,467 × 66
#> object_id city county region development locality on_road rural_urban
#> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 1686 None - Rura… Wayne Coast… Farms, Woo… Rural (… SR 1915 Rural
#> 2 1674 Henderson Vance Piedm… Residential Mixed (… NICHOL… Urban
#> 3 1673 None - Rura… Linco… Piedm… Farms, Woo… Rural (… US 321 Rural
#> 4 1687 Whiteville Colum… Coast… Commercial Urban (… W BURK… Urban
#> 5 1653 Wilmington New H… Coast… Residential Urban (… RACINE… Urban
#> 6 1665 None - Rura… Robes… Coast… Farms, Woo… Rural (… SR 1513 Rural
#> 7 1642 None - Rura… Richm… Piedm… Residential Mixed (… SR 1903 Rural
#> 8 1675 Raleigh Wake Piedm… Commercial Urban (… PERSON… Urban
#> 9 1668 Whiteville Colum… Coast… Residential Rural (… FLOWER… Urban
#> 10 1662 New Bern Craven Coast… Residential Urban (… SUTTON… Urban
#> # ℹ 7,457 more rows
#> # ℹ 58 more variables: speed_limit <chr>, traffic_control <chr>, weather <chr>,
#> # workzone <chr>, bike_age <chr>, bike_age_group <chr>, bike_alcohol <chr>,
#> # bike_alcohol_drugs <chr>, bike_direction <chr>, bike_injury <chr>,
#> # bike_position <chr>, bike_race <chr>, bike_sex <chr>, driver_age <chr>,
#> # driver_age_group <chr>, driver_alcohol <chr>, driver_alcohol_drugs <chr>,
#> # driver_est_speed <chr>, driver_injury <chr>, driver_race <chr>, …